Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Third Meeting

Dear fellow Whinklings,
what an awesome Wednesday night it was! :)
I am so grateful that our God has provided us this opportunity to discuss frankly about our thoughts on Ryan's topic: Sexuality and Christianity.
There were a lot of questions that appeared during the meeting and I provided you some of them.

Theological Questions
1. Is homosexuality born with or not?
2. Can God, through His supernatural power, eliminate homosexuality?
3. Can men reach the point where they become completely free from being sinful, that is homosexual?
4. I homosexuality different from other sin? (In the meeting, some people believed that homosexuality touches the core party of human being as it involves relationship)
5. Is there a hierarchical structure of sin? In other words, is one sin worse than the other or do all sins weigh the same?
6. Can true love be established through homosexual love?

Psychological Questions
1. How would my perspective on homosexuality influence my clinical practice?

In the third meeting, we mainly focused on the theological implication in homosexuality. We hope that in any of the upcoming meeting, we could focus more on the psychological implication.

My respectable Whinklings!
Here are the things that you should remember to do before the next meeting.
1. Our next meeting will be held in Karisa's house on Wednesday 7:30 pm.
2. We need your mission statement! Please think of one to share in the meeting.
3. Our next topic will be Karsten's I dunno yet~ :) Once I receive the topic, I will post it in the blog.

Thank you so much for being such wonderful supporters!
Truly, God is working through you and we, as a community in Christ, praise for His marvelous work through us!

From the Whinklings.

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